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PriNcEsS mIsSy*sHeRLeNe
FiRsT cRy~ "-.-" 3rd Feb 1987(dOn 4gEt tO bUy mE a pReSeNt hOr =P)
™ - Cartoon Dolls, Cute Disney Graphics, Saniro Graphics, Myspace Pictures, Myspace Codes, Myspace Layouts, Myspace goodies, Myspace stuff and more ! ™ yOuThFuL & LeGaLLy FreEdOmLy 21
LiVeS iN hEr PaLaCe CaStLe @yEw TeE~
™ - Cartoon Dolls, Cute Disney Graphics, Saniro Graphics, Myspace Pictures, Myspace Codes, Myspace Layouts, Myspace goodies, Myspace stuff and more ! ™

The Princ3ss BeLLe DaDdY (Big bOsS)
KiNg KnIgHt*KeLvIn
FiRsT cRy~ "-.-" 7th Jan 1986 (22yrs old)
™ - Cartoon Dolls, Cute Disney Graphics, Saniro Graphics, Myspace Pictures, Myspace Codes, Myspace Layouts, Myspace goodies, Myspace stuff and more ! ™ LiVeS iN HiS KiNgDoM @yEw TeE~

PrInCeSs ALL TiMeS FaVeS ("v")
("v") mOii dEaReSt PrInCe, KeLvIn ("v")
("v") mOii dEaReSt bAoB3i gaLz, sI eN CrYsTaLbElLe & sI Jia IsABelLe ("v")
("v") mOii DaDdY ("v")
("v") mOii mUmMy ("v")
("v") mOii gOoDi3 sIsTaRz ("v")
("v") mOii bRoThErS ("v") YeW TeE & bEdOk~

PrInCeSs HaTeS wHiCh iSh uNfOrGiViNg
**nO FrEeDoM maKeS m3 bOrEd
**nO $$$ LiFe
**dOn LiKe pPL gOt pRoBLeM dEn cOmE fiNd mE, nO pRoBleM dEn MIA
**pPL wHo iSh vErY aRrOgaNcE & HaO |iaN
**BaCkStAbBeRs, LiaRs, BeTrAyA|S, BaStArDs, BiiTchEs, aCtIoN, oN|y kNow hOw tO tOk "bIg"
**aTTaChEd lE sTilL waNna F|iRt & F|iNg aRoUnD

PrInCeSs sHeRLeNe wIsHeS
~~> *mOre mOney $$$; EaRn mOre & sAv3 mOre 4 mOii FutUrE gOoD uSe
~~> *tO gEt CaR LiCenSE
~~> *tO sAvE uP lOts oF mOnEy iN cRyStaLbElLe & iSabElLe sAvInGs aCcOuNt~
~~> *tO haVe a BeAuTiFuL cReaTiOn oF mOii pErSoNaL bLoGgIeS
~~> *tO gEt mOii DipLoMa cErT(pLaNnInG 4 FuRtHeR sTuDiEs
~~> *tO gEt a DiaMoNd RiNg frOm dEaR
~~> *tO hav3 a pInKy LaPtOp(Dell Inspiron 1420 oR Sony VAIO Luxury Pink)
~~> *sEt uP oWn ONLINE FashiOn BuSiNeSs
~~> *sTraiGhT rEbOnDeD cO|oUrEd haiR
~~> *a bEaUtiFu| wArDrObE w |OtS oF pReTtY c|OtHiNgS
~~> *lOts oF nic3 bRaNdEd baGgIeS & sHoEs
~~> *sony digital camera
*gOt mOii T70 le* =) ~~> *LVs
~~> *Gucci Cruise Butterfly Charm Pink Tote
~~> *straight whitening teeth- get over my ceramic braces period
~~> *have family, personal, couple makeover

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<3 *FrEqUeNt LiNkS* <3*

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PrEttY bOuTiQuE
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Singapore Shopping Directory Image hosted by ChIc aUrA
" " Image hosted by IdObaBy
TwiNs bOuTiQuE
Image hosted by QuIcK*sHoPpEr ValLeRiNa DreaMz

sWeEt, |oVe|Y FrEnZ*cHeCk iT oUt*

E|eeN ShU JuaN ("v")lOst-in-the-indulgence('v")
Image hosted by E|aInE
SeReNe sHi YuN *my memories*
Image hosted by JaDe *MoMeNtS oF a PrInCeSs ThOuGhT*
JoWel| ~my beautiful DREAMS~
Image hosted by JiNg MeI PriSciLLa
kK ~Xiu Xiu de Re Ji Wang Ruo~
HoNg Yi ?_? CaN ThiS b3 ("v") ?_?
Image hosted by FaShIoN cLoThInGs*cHiC*
ReGiNa Li LiaN
Image hosted by ShU TiNg
SuKi YuRiKo(Tricia)
Image hosted by SaMaTha *Dear DeerS PiNk*
TinG ^ Er [-my bitter sweet memories-]

bLOgGieS lOve|y FrEnZ *cHeCk iT oUt*

CiNdY~*Our Love so True("v")*
JeN~*For I Cherish You*

BeaUtiFuL sExY yOuNg mUmMiEs*HOT*Image hosted by
BeaUtiFuL sExY yOuNg mUmMiEs*HOT*
AdeLiNe(bOy bOy KayToN)
AdeLynN(bOy bOy JeRaLd)
AiKo(bOy bOy CLeVaNt)
AgNeS jOsEpHiNe(bOy bOy KaYDeN)
BaO BaO jOsEpHiNe(bOy BoY wEn jUn)
BeLL(gEr GeR)
BeTTiNa(gEr GeR FaErLyN)
CaRoL(bOy bOy JoaChim)
CeNdRiNe(gEr GeR ZaNn)
ChaRLeNe (bOy BoY)
CeNdRiNe*2*(gEr GeR ZaNn)
ChRiStiNe ChRiSsY(gEr GeR KaMmY)
CyNtHia(bOy BOy BraYDeN)
DaiSy(2 bOy BoY of DoVaN & DoSeN)
EiLeeN wOrLd's(mOtHeR of 3s)
E|SiE(KaYvEn & KaYzE|)
E||ySha(ShErIn Si LiN)
EvELyNnE(gEr GeR KeiDa)
FeLiCia(gEr GeR ChaNeL)
HuiPiNg(bOy BoY JaEdEn)
KaRiNe EsTelLe(gEr GeR RaeaNn)
KaRiNe EsTelLe*2*(gEr GeR RaeaNn)
KeNdY(2 bOy Boy of ZeN & JoVi)
MiCheLLe(LoReLLe & EfreN)
NiCoLe(gEr gEr cHLoE)
JeSs mEiXiN(gEr GeR JaNnOn)
JeSsIe(gEr GeR DeniSe & bOy BoY ZensOn)
JoaNnE(gEr gEr RaeaNn)
JoYcELyN(gEr GeR jOreEn)
JuLia ZhU zHu(KeiDi)
RykieL(bOy bOy xAViEr)
SeRiN(gEr GeR ShaRLeNe)
ShaN RoNg(bOy bOy JaVe)
ShErLyN(gEr GeR LoVeLLe xUe En)
Shirley(bOy bOy jOvaN)
SheRyL xiaO LiNg(gEr GeR RaCheL)
StePhaNiE(bOy bOy ZeNDeN)
TiNg(gEr GeR KaI pIn)
TiZiaNa(gEr gEr NaOmI)
TiZiaNa-jOyS*2*(gEr gEr NaOmI)
wAnXiA(bOy BoY JaViEr)
Valerie(2 gEr gEr aRieL & BeLLe)
ViKi(bOy BoY CaSs)
VoDKagEr(bOy BoY JaBeZ)
XiaO xUe(bOy BoY SkYe)
XiN Yi cInDy(bOy BoY RaYdEn)
YaWeN(1 gEr GeR XuAn xUaN & 1 bOy BoY QuiNToN)

CeLeBraTiEs cOrNeR*HOT*Image hosted by
CeLeBraTiEs cOrNeR*HOT*
Felicia Chin
aNdRea FoNsEKa
DeSmOnD kOh
Joakim Gomez
PaTrIcIa mOk
LaO ZhaR bOr
Lin Xiang Ping YvOnne
Tay Bin Hui
Qi Yu Wu
Xia Xu3
FORUM~Image hosted by
Mother Hood
Singapore Mother Hood
MuM CeNtRe
ShOpPinG LiFeStyLe

wEbBiEs To LoOk oUt fOrImage hosted by

BaBiEs WeAr
S|iMmInG ReCeipEs

Her Past
`June 2007 `July 2007 `August 2007 `September 2007 `October 2007 `November 2007 `December 2007 `January 2008 `February 2008 `March 2008 `June 2008 `July 2008 `August 2008 `October 2008 `November 2008 `January 2009 `February 2009 `March 2009 `April 2009

™ - Cartoon Dolls, Cute Disney Graphics, Saniro Graphics, Myspace Pictures, Myspace Codes, Myspace Layouts, Myspace goodies, Myspace stuff and more ! ™ Speak!!

tagboard hereeeeeeeeee. :)
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Friday, August 31, 2007

Order all these from Kyotobaby as she will be coming from Japan to Singapore for Holiday from 7 Sept tO 30 Sept so will be handcarry service~

Jill Stuart Blush Powder @ $64.90 *~I choOse 08 colOur tOne~*

Square quilt enamel wallet (long) @ $230

Square quilt enamel wallet (long) inner view

Samatha Thavasa Hearts (pink) short *i was tinkin if e Square quilt enamel wallet out of stOck i might wanna choOse this lehz but hOpefully i can get mOii 1st chOice =P*

Raycious Smooth Coat Make Up base recOmmended by Kyotobaby sO i gOnna try it out & c hOw gOoD izzit~ =P

PARADO Vol & Long Mascara @ $28.90

Kissme Mascara Remover @ $21.90

SANA 39mm curler (Gold) @ $19.90 *~I wanted e Limited Edition Pink cOlour de curler but is no longer available le~ =X
This super curler can curl even the shortest lash on both ends of your eyes.

Double eyelid creator (Gold) @ $25.90
this is a really cool productand this is the 1st time i ever came across such product!

this is double eyelid creator that comes in gold color,
the effect is like applying gold eyeshadow.

It's a liquid where u apply on the eyelid then use the stick
attached inside to push the eyelid and the double line will come out naturally, really amazing!

Avance Lash Serum @ $38.90

This serum works this way:
1) Improve blood circulation at the tip of the lashes (i never knew there's blood circulation there! oh my god)
2) Encourage and accelerate regrowth
3) Giving shine and firmness to lashes and prevents falling
4) Contains silk extract that protects the cuticle from damages caused by curler and eyemakeup.

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10:30 AM

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

went tO LidO tO watch DEAD SILENCE with mOii dear, Vivian & bf & mOii dear gOoD frenz(Zhi Quang). we watch 12am de midnight shOw, our seat was frOm frOnt screen de third rOw lOhz.. i always prefer back seat than frOnt near tO screen wan.. seems hard tO watch like e neck aching lOhz.. HaHa.. but bO bian, this is e last timing fOr this shOw le. sO juz watch lOhz.. tOt very nice lehz but it wasnt that scary, frightening & nObOdy in e theatre was even screaming & e shOw gOt alOt of quite quiet scene & wen we tOk can hear our own vOice lOhz. there's ppl arOund making eerie,ghOstly sOund effect.. HaHa, trying tO scare ppl aHz~ sOme parts i alsO abit watch till blur blur. my bad cOugh make me keep cOughing n is driving me crazy man!! itchy thrOat like dry cOugh ahz~
Dead Silence (2007)

Billy e doll, Child of Mary Shaw!!!~

*Mary Shaw & Billy*

Dad & StepMother *actually dad is dead & StepMother is Mary Shaw* huh?!? wat's gOing on rite? watch tO find out lOrx~ HaHa.. =P

MOVIES PLOT (taken frOm YahOo! mOvies =>)

There is an old ghost story in the sleepy town of Ravens Fair about Mary Shaw, a ventriloquist who went mad. Accused of the murder of a young boy, she was hunted down by vengeful townspeople who cut out her tongue and killed her. They buried her along with her "children," a hand-made collection of vaudeville dolls. Since that time, Ravens Fair has been plagued by mysterious deaths. The ghastly dolls from Mary Shaw's collection are missing from the grave.

Added by my own~

It's all saying about Mary Shaw coming back for revenge for those that killed her that time. When she scream they try to silence her by cutting out her tOngue & killed her. Seems kind of grOss ahz~ Her face seems grOss & scary when clOse-up. Yucky cranky face trying tO scare ppl! All e dOlls is real & they will cOme alive!!! Wanna nOe mOre? Get a tickets @ cinema tO find out mOre!~ whahaha~ =P

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10:00 PM

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Monday, August 20, 2007

went tO Marina Square tO meet up w mOii in-laws & my 2 lil princess & ah ma~ cOz wanna gO back tO Dekra @ Marina Square there tO exchange sOme clOthings & pants which dOesnt suits me same gOes fOr my mOm-in-law tOo~ i reach there sOo late wOrx, e shOp nearly clOse le but becOz i nOe tat lady i ask her tO wait wait awhile mOre fOr me i reaching sOon le. was late due tO e time cOnsuming spend on dOlling up as after that gOing tO meet up with Jade & her frenz tO celebrate her 20years old birthday @ ZOUK. *sOo sweet that she still rem & neva 4get tO invite me wOrx~ since she sO steady agree & cOnfirm gOt cOme mOii lil princess 1year old birthday sO i steadily agree gOin to hers w my hubby & his 2frenz lOhz~ well, tOk abt Marina 1st bahz...

i gOt 2 T-shirts, 2 pants, 1 dress all cannOt fit intO it sO tOgether wOrt h $40~ sO e lady let m,e change fOr items till $40 lOhz~ e items there cheap cheap lOhz~ gOt sell bags, pants, dress, T-shirts, clOthings, shOes, necklance, bikinis, belt & etc... ... mOst of e items is only $10/item wOrX~ cOmpare tO other place very cheap lOhz~ sOme wOrth much mOre than what it cOst. have been tO this particular shOp Dekra quite a few times & was kind of addicted tO it. will visit every nOw & then wen free. HaHax~ waHx, end up in e end of chOosing anything up tO $40 after that i still add on tO $50(5pieces mOre) but okay lahz, nOt that ex quite "wu hua" le. e lady at 1st was abt tO clOse shOp le de, but while waiting she was thinking of y nOt juz open her shOp big big once again tO c gOt mOre business cOming in tO reach her daily sales target lOhz. after she open, really gOt lOts of custOmers cOming in tO lOoK lOoK buy buy. HaHax~ i brings luck tO their shOp tO custOmers. whahaha~ =P ya, & alsO 1 of mOii new shOes which i juz bOught, 1st time wearing makes my tOes hurt sO much man!!~ yelling fOr help tO get a pair of new shOes, end up get a cOmfOtable heels fOr $33.90 @ INK. abit ex tO me for that design lahz but tOes sO painful sO bO bian gOt tO buy wOrx~

went tO meet mOii dear & Zhi Guang & Tommy at TiOng Bahru den take cab tO Zouk~ called up Jade den she & CarOl her gOod sistarz came out tOgether, they celebrate their birthday tOgether s Jade bday falls on 17Aug while CarOl bday falls on 19 Aug. juz nice tO celebrate tOgether ahz~ Jade & bf open 2bottles of Chivas tO share amOng all, tink altOgether it's abt 12 ppl tat she invite bahz, nOt sure alsO muz c phOtOs. HaHaz.. They sing birthday sOng tO wish Jade & CarOl & taking frenz grOup phOtOs & with their yummy sugarless sweet choco cakes. =)


~*~^GrOuP.PhOtO.with.2BiRtHdaY.GeRz! HaPpY BiRtHdaY^~*~

@_@~^~^.:.JaDe & miiE.:.^~^~@_@

*~!.HeY, hEy!! TwIsT & SaY cHeEzE.!~*

Zouk was quite pack as they had events gOing on 18aug~ it's mOii 1st time tO Zouk wOrx~ HaHa, used tO like TechnO alOt sO seldOm chiOng these places lOhx~ Hai yah, sO sianz, nOwadays sO many TechnO clubs & pubs clOse dOwn liaOz. nOw is mOre like RNB, Reggae, House, Retro Trance & etc... ... 2nd likings is RNB & Reggae sO at least nOt sO bad thOugh still abit sianz.. HaHa.. sOme sOngs is there alsO quite nice de, in frOnt nOt sO nice but behind de dOu nOt bad. dOn nOe y i tRy tO maKe mOiiself a lil "seh"(drunk)sO gOt mOre sensatiOn mahz by drinking mOre & mOre with mOre alcOhOl but still nO feelings nOt "seh" de lehz. mOii dear sOmemOre still buy Tequilla & eThirtyThree tO drink, can see that after that he seems kind of abit "seh" le lahz.. HaHax~ tOmmy lehz, ai yO Yoz~ juz drink 1 glass nia, face reddish, eyes seems like sOre eyes le lOhz. cannOt blame becOz he nOt sO gOod drinker de. HaHaz~

went off arOund 4am plus den went nearby 24hOurs indian cOffee hOuse shOp tO eat bee hOon gOrgeng & drink hOt teh tarik. mOii hubby & Jade's bf cannOt take it le lahz, went vOmitting. c lahz, drink sO much~ hahax.. i neva vOmit lahz, but last glass den make me kind of "seh" lOhz. drink sO much nOt "seh" wen abt tO leave le den gOt e sensatiOn. Funny lOhz~ HaHax~ after that take cab hOme den tOk cOrk w Zhi Quang & hubby @ Yew Tee Mac abt 6am plus den gO home lOhz. wOrst thing is i am wOrking frOm 0800-1800 luckily is wOrking @ hOme sO can nap awhile wake up dO den nap again. KeKez~ anyway, have a nice day & that's *hOme sweet hOme* =P

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9:49 PM

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Thursday, August 9, 2007

HAPPY 42TH NATIONAL DAY!!!~ didnt have much happening stuff, was quite bOred & didnt gO anywhere as I am wOrking frOm 8am-6pm. Life is a rOutine, everything was as usual, nOthing special, hOping tO have better & better life & miracle & best of luck & everythings gOes well & smOothly in whatever i dO & of cOz nOt fOrgetting abt mOii belOver family & frenz tOo~ HeEx~ ("v") & BEST OF LUCK WISHES =P

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Image hosted by the princess left at
8:30 PM

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

dOn nOe why suddenly have e urge of gOin 4 RebOnding & hair cut~ sO i called up Christine e Hair Stylist recOmmended by Vivian(she always dO her rebOnding at there & she say nOt bad, will dO very detailed & take care of her hair than rushing intO it. cOz her hair at 1st was in quite bad cOnditiOn after dOin rebOnd & cOlOuring 4 sO many time but Christine managed tO make her hair cOme alive, smOoth & shiny 4 lOng term & nOw she is having gOoD hair day everyday, HaHax~). dO mOi fringe & side hair rebOnding w her b4 fOr abt $60. find it nOt bad lahz can last quite lOng also at least she wun spOlit mOi hair & make me disappOinted with e results~ =) but nOw mOi fringe n back hair nOt sO straight le sO decided tO dO whOle hair. ask fOr e pricing but she say muz gO doOwn let her c den tOk better than saying on e phOne cOz she muz see mOi hair again. sO make a appOintment with her arOund 7+ lOhZ~

after wOrk, suppOse tO ask Vivian & her bf Nick tO accOmpany gO dOwn de, cOz i fOrgOtten hOw tO get tO e place le s i am directOry dummy de.. =X but end up mOi mOther-in-law alsO wanted to have her hair cut shOrt tO shOulder length & rebOnd sO i ask her gO alOng with miie lOhz~ bring Si En alOng with us tOo cOz she lOves gai gai alOt if never bring her will keep crying lOhz~ cOz thinking tat Vivian & bf will gO alOng sO can ask them tO take care lOhz~ e salOn is quite near tO Chinese Garden sO i meet Nick 1st but after tat Vivian say since mOi mOther-in-law accOmpany there den she nOt cOming dOwn le lOhz~ at 1st she scare nObOdy acc miie den agree tO cOme dOwn de, den i say ok lO, it's alright. Nick will gO back tOo after bringing us there. Thanks ahz!i!

upOn reach there, Christine say mOi MIL hair will cOst abt $90 fOr nOrmal prOducts s fOr better 1 cOst abt $110. 2persOns dOing 2gether sO try tO reduce tO $100. mine at 1st i tink shOuld be abt $150 but i ask $120 can make it anOt den she say can den gOoD loHz~ ok lahz hOr, pricing quite cheap & reasOnable le lahz hOr?!?~ inclusive of hair cut + treatment tOo. but bad news ish becOz is rebOndin sum mOre 4 2persOns we need tO dO till 1am den will finish everything.. Oh, oh!!! Christine say luckily tml NatiOnal Day she off nOt wOrkin sO it's ok~

me & MIL started dOin rebOndin @ abt 8pm, wah u nOe dO till wat time anOt~ till abt 1am wOrx~ super lOng & it's our 1st time dOing hair till over midnight de lehz. previOusly dO only till abt 11pm plus only wOrx~ we feel kind of pai seh making Christine stay up till sO late tO help us dO rebOnding.

overall, e effect came out wasnt that bad, straight, coloured not obvious thOugh, fringe is slinted lOok abit different frOm previOus straight-cut fringe. MIL lOok sO much yOunger frOm her nOt very well-perm hairstyle tO straight rebOnding hair. HaHa, 1st time see her in this hairstyle. very yOung lOok lOhz~ (will uplOad her pics sOon & of cOz nOt 4getting mOii new hairstyle tOo) after that buy MacDonald fOr supper take-away & take cab hOme tO eat. feel sO tired, mOre like sleeping den eating lOhz~ HaHa, overall tired & sleepy & yet happy day lahz!!~ =)

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8:00 PM

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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

actually i am wOrking frOm 0800-1800 de, but arOund 10am plus i sneak out with mOii in-laws & mOii 2lil princess tO Admiralty tO have oUr breakfast & walk walk c what's over there & gOt anything tO buy anOt. HaHa, spend mOney there again.. lately dOn nOe why i simply adOre shOpping nO matter where i gOt sure will buy at least a few things de. *CraViNg*sHoPpIng aDdiCt* hahax~ thOugh is nOt branded oR tat expensive stuff, s lOng s i like it & feel cOmfOrtable can le. HeEx~ i bUy acrylic nails 2sets fOr fingers, 2sets fOr tOes, handphOne sticker, bling bling, DIY bOx, KeYcHaIn, HellO KiTTy handbag & water dispenser*lOvEs HeLLo KiTTy & wilL cRaVe 4 HeLLo KiTTy stuFF*HaHax~ & etc.. ... every hOur i muz have certain amt of outgOing requirement fOr mOii jOb de but mOii dearest hubby juz quit his previOus jOb lOoKing 4 new jOb sO i ask him tO help out abit fOr mOii jOb stuff 1st b4 i get back hOme. reach hOme near tO 1pm~ anyway, gOt any jObs intrO 4 him? HaHax~

Nitez time after wOrk watch e "Shou Zu" 7pm shOw le help bB Jia Jia change tO nice, pretty clOthing we head tOwards IMM (in-laws & Si En @ there waiting le). Just gO banquet eat eat den after that went tO DaisO buy abt 7items which only cOst $14 nia cOz each cOst $2 mahz~ after that, head tOwards GIANT tO lOok lOok see see cOz all other shOp clOse le except GIANT clOse e latest. Buy a big stOrage bOx nia 4 miie tO put all my baggies in there cOz my rOom iSh in a mess, tOo much tins liaOz~ mUz pack, clear & clean up*DiaOz* =X (Pics will be uplOaded sOoN)

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11:00 PM

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Meet up with Shu Ting after wOrk at CCK MRT cOntrOl & decide tO gO Slender Shapes over at Bt. Timah there fOr a visit s we bOth wish tO gO fOr gym up tO slim, firm & tOne our bOdy figure tO shapely hOur-glass figure(whahaha =P) did called up & ask Slender Shapes tO see hOw's e facilities, package, charges like but e persOn keep asking us tO gO dOwn fOr a cOnsultatiOn w free 1week trial tO find out hOw's everything like whereby they can have a better explainatiOn tO us. is like tO trOublesOme gOt tO gO all e way dOwn tO especially tell us hOw izzit like, can alsO tell us clearly of hOw much izzit on e phOne de mah but she juz say pricing is range frOm $39-$299 lOhz~ I alsO gOt called up ContOurs Express but at least they r mOre direct when i ask abt e pricings & hOw's everything like. Is like gOnna pay 1 time registratiOn fees of $150 fees 1st(like jOining fees of 1 time lOhz) den can choOse tO sign up 1year package which will cOst abt $59.90/mth oR can alsO chOose tO have minimum of 2mOnths package of $89.90/mth. oF cOz, can obviOusly see tat 1year package can have much savings than min of 2mOnths~ 1 week trial will cOst only $19 lOhz~ think gOnna try oUt all e trial 1st & @_@ which is better lOhz~ Slender Shapes oR ContOur Express?!?~ gOnna find out mOre detail 1st?_?

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9:30 PM

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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

HaPpY 1yEaR oLd BiRtHdaY tO mOii dEaReSt bB Si Jia IsaBelLe!i!~ TimE flieS, sO fast u R alreadY 1yEaR oLd lE~ Wish that u will a|wayZ be a HEALTHY, cheery, |Ove|y baBy same gOeS 4 yOur sister, Si En wOrx~ MuMmY will lOve u 2 mOii deaReSt baObEi PrInCeSs aLwAyZ & lOtS dE~ *mUaCkZ* =P

Meet up with Jacqueline & Ting & her cOuple frenz tO St. James POwerhOuse~ it's mOii 1st time tO St. James & 1st time gOing with them tO clubbing. at 1st, din really wish tO gO cOz abit kind oF tired after wOrk lately(dOn nOe y lehz, wOrk till halfway keep dOzing off x_x). It's Wednesday, It's Ladies Night with free entrance & 5free drinks fOr ladies. Not bad lahz, at 1st nO need tO fOlk out mOney except fOr transpOrtatiOn lOhz~ e music there gOt RNB, ReggaetOn, RetrO, 3Rs.. HaHa~ at 1st e music was still oKaY nOt bad quite nic3 debut e behind part start tO get abit sucky~ bUt Jacqueline say that nOrmally they dOn play sO much of RetrO dOn nOe y tOday play sO much of it, sO abit sianz~ din stay fOr tOo lOng s all feel kind of tired le, by arOund 3am all went hOme le. mOii dearest hubby cOme over frOm Yew Tee after MahjOng sessiOn w frenz all e way take cab tO St. James there tO wait fOr me den take cab hOme back again. sO sweet ah especially waited fOr me.. KeKeZ~ =P *HOME SWEET HOME*

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